Friday, April 17, 2009

"What a nice surprise"

Mich. man helps deliver wife's surprise baby !!

So, I don't believe it.

A western Michigan man helped deliver his wife's baby boy despite not knowing she was pregnant. The Grand Rapids Press reported the man called 911 early Thursday as his wife was in labor. The man told the dispatcher that he had not known his 27-year-old wife was pregnant. He said they recently quit smoking and thought her recent weight gain was related.

The couple has two children, and the mother has an additional child from a previous relationship.

Following the successful delivery, the dispatcher talked the man through post-birth procedures. The child was taken to a local hospital." [Source]

So you thought the major weight gain was because she quit smoking? I mean, I guess. I know there are different reasons to not realize you're pregnant for a while but not finding out until the kids' already halfway out? That's just downright negligent on her part.

It could happen to anyone, right? Props to him for delivering the baby boy instead of just remaining in a state of shock about the pregnancy like I probably would have.

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