Cops snitching to the wives of prostitute clients! Stop snitching? I think not.

Soon wives could receive letters from the Escambia County
Sheriff’s Department letting them know when their husbands are arrested for soliciting prostitutes.
“I don’t think it’s people’s right to do that. I really don’t,” said Trishanne LaFreniere, a woman who opposes the letter.
“She has the right to know,” said Laurie Thuma, who likes the idea of alerting wives. “This impacts her on many levels, including her health.”
Even the men in Escambia County can’t seem to agree whether or not the letter is a good idea.
“This letter’s making you guilty before you get your day in court,” emphasized Jeff Hughes. “You need therapy. You need help. You don’t need to be lambasted by your wife.”[

I don't know about you, but from what I've seen [okay, read] when you're eager to enjoy the company of hookers usually you're also not willing to admit to it - and you're definitely not going to tell your wife/girlfriend. Come on now. Of course some men are arguing that this "snitching" from the police isn't giving them a fair trial with their wife and making them guilty before proven innocent. . .
. . .They must not have read the memo that said with relationships you're
always guilty until proven innocent. It's sad, some say you have trust issues but the fact still remains that this isn't the United States Justice system - this is real life. If you can survive being accused of soliciting sexual favors then maybe I'll be quiet, but until then the woman has the right to know if you're coming home with a smile on your face but sharing chlamydia with her.