I'm all for entertaining news that allows us to sit back and be glad that we're not the ones featured on this blog, but every once and a while I like to throw in some optimism. I also have an unhealthy infatuation with the Obamas and thriving black love. So, for your reading enjoyment here's some dope philosophizing inspired by the one, the only. . .our President of the United States and his lady: Barack & Michelle Obama.
If I believe there's anyone out there who really is engaged in a healthy relationship while still being in the public eye, it's them. The Today show on MSNBC.com has a sex therapist who compiled a list that caught my eye and really made me sit back and admire them. I know we may not know a whole lot about their sex life/relationship, but there are some things you just can't fake when you've got America as a whole watching your every move.
Maintain a sense of surprise- “Sometimes, when we’re lying together, I look at her and I feel dizzy with the realization that here is another distinct person from me, who has memories, origins, thoughts, feelings that are different from my own. . .," says Obama, "Even if one builds a life together based on trust, attentiveness and mutual support, I think that’s it’s important that a partner continues to surprise the other." I think that's ridiculously adorable on so many levels and very true.
Show tenderness- Obama also spoke about how Michelle exhibits a certain level of vulnerability (Imagine that!). I never took Michelle for the vulnerable type, but I also don't think she wears the pants in the relationship. Not all the time, anyway.Some other ones mentioned were opposites attracting, becoming friends and staying friends, and then my personal favorite: Being a relationship role model.
I honestly don't think they even realize how great of an example they're setting as a couple, color aside, by simply being themselves with each other at all times. They maintain eye contact with one another in interviews, joke like America's not watching, and their whole chemistry just flows naturally - whether the cameras are on or not. Check out videos/pictures where they were not prepped for the paparazzi to see what I mean.
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