Friday, March 6, 2009

"Doggie Delights"

That title is so inappropriate for this post, yet so true.

Raging Kailasben Vyshali, from Mehsana, India, drugged her man with sleeping pills, served in a cup of tea, after he came home from seeing his mistress.

Then while he slept she chopped off his penis with a razor sharp blade and threw it into the street where it was snapped up by a pack of stray dogs.
“The hospital managed to save his life but the rest of him was never found. He’s certainly never going to cheat again,” said one doctor." [Source- OHN]

She REALLY went in! Why is the ultimate resolution to dealing with a cheating husband always, ALWAYS to go after his member in some flagrant way? My solution would be more along the lines of white collar crime. Ie: attacking his bank account like a leech sucking all of his finances dry.

Then again, if he's not working with much (in his account, I mean) and your emotions are all out of wack, I guess sleeping pills and razor blades can do the trick too.

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