Friday, February 27, 2009
"When the joke's on you"
"The things they lost in the fire. . "
I'm sorry - I just HAD to! Sue me. I try to stay out of celebrity misfortune and just focus on plain ol' regular Joes like you and me having terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad days but if in fact People have their facts right. . *sigh* Rih-Rih might need another slap or two.
Actually, this time why doesn't someone just talk to her? Sit her down and explain to her that perhaps re-entering an abusive relationship isn't the best idea. Ecspecially after three weeks of counseling from media websites. I'm just sayin'.
Then again, people have gotten together again during worst situations, huh? Still it's hard to forget. . .
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
"Lovers may come and go but Herpes is forever"
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
"Another teacher behind bars"
Monday, February 23, 2009
It is understood the 23-year-old was working in Northgate when he was injured just after 2pm."
Thursday, February 19, 2009
"Just don't online date"
A handful of women are romanced out of almost $300,000 in a Nigerian romance hoax
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
"Survival of the fittest"
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
"Why you shouldn't care if he doesn't care"
Ooh, it hurts - doesn't it?
I haven't had the chance to see this movie and I'm really not looking forward to the prospect. My friend suggested we go for [as you can expect] "a girl's night out." Since we're both super singles I'm not seeing the fun in being reminded why, as my great aunt would say: "we can't keep a man."
I do think it's cute, though. The premise. And from the way that chick is ranting - somewhat true. However, there's nothing even remotely appealing about being reminded why you're insecure and then being mocked for being insecure. In what realm of crazy is that okay?
Monday, February 16, 2009
"Boyfriend woes"
Often, in fact. Hehe =]
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Saturday, February 14, 2009
"Cruelty to Elders"
Friday, February 13, 2009
"V-Day misunderstanding"
The blonde 25-year-old even hired a photographer to capture her version of the scene, made famous by actress Mena Suvari, for a personalised card.
This would have been a really sweet gesture. . imagine that? Buying thousands of rose petals to recreate your boyfriend's favorite movie, booking a suite, hiring a photographer, getting little greeting cards made - the works! Then you find out that what you thought was American Beauty should have really been American Gangster. Smack yourself. Twice for emphasis.
I think what she tried to do would have been extra perfect if it were for the correct movie [obviously]. I just don't think there's a scene in American Gangster that would have been appropriate for a Valentine's Day movie-themed weekend. . .was there?
& I bet the guy wasn't even grateful that she had at least made the effort. Hmph. I'm not bitter, I'm just sayin'.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
"Dangers with a Wii remote"
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
"So you want to break up? Think twice."
That makes me so angry. Not just because stabbing someone 6 times after a break up is down right rude, but also because this guy gives new meaning to the phrase 'Indian Giver'. Call me crazy, but I thought certain things like virginity and breast implants were non-refundable gifts.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
"Countdown to apology"
Etta James is going on 128 actin' like a damn teenager for the media all because Beyonce out-sang her song for the inauguration. I'm sure you've all already heard about this and are shaking your heads just as hard as I am. Now James is threatening, and I quote, "to beat a b*tch's a*s" [I hate profanity too, but Etta said it - not I] and denouncing Obama as her president. Come on now, Etta.
I understand that she's a soul legend and my feelings would be extra hurt as well if my president chose my understudy instead of me to sing my own song when I'm still alive, but there's no need for name-calling. . .
“You guys know your president, right?” she asked the crowd. “The one with the
big ears? He ain’t my president. He might be yours…” she continued, before
adding that “that woman he had singing for him…she’s gonna get her ass whipped.
The great Beyonce…I can’t stand Beyonce.”
Lol. I'm sorry. I just think sour old women are hee-larious. And you know you're secretly hoping Beyonce sucks it up and stops feeling personally attacked [even if she was] long enough to fire some equally stinging comments. My only question is how long before Etta apologizes? I think this happened a few days ago. Her PR people need to step their games up.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
"Meet Jade Leather Heat"
Like clockwork, every time the Bursar’s office is demanding money or threatening to kick us out of our school for being semesters late on tuition payment after my room mate and I pray to the financial gods we always semi-entertain the idea of getting into the lucrative, yet emotionally suicidal business of dancing.
I know I am not the only college-aged female who has joked about this yet still been almost, kinda/sorta in a way dead serious. I personally don’t think I could do it unless maybe a child was involved or I needed an operation that my insurance wasn’t covering – the two extremes – but I can feel any girl who chooses to take that route. Working a minimum-wage gig that you know isn’t going to make a dent in your bills is probably a waste of time and so, if you’re willing to take the risk of the personal damage it could have on your life and substitute your money for your pride then to each his/her own, I guess.
I will never come at a girl’s head for doing what she feels she has to do when it seems all the other options have been exhausted. Loans? Denied – bad credit, bad economy. Grants? Few and far between. Scholarships? If you’ve got ‘em, ride them out. Scholarships should be your backbone so if you have one make sure you keep in good standing. However, for those without scholarships, without money in the family, and without loans and grants, is work-study or part-time retail sales supposed to take its place? I don’t think so.
"As a former call girl, I know plenty of people in the industry, and I recently
spoke to several who have started doing kink work to supplement their incomes,"
Quan writes in The Daily Beast." [Source]
For the record though – as much as becoming a dominatrix may have it’s positives with you only having to work an hour for around $80-$200 and not having to worry about sexual intercourse with the client, like any other job in the sexual entertainment industry there’s going to be an emotional after effect and sometimes it’s just not worth it. I would probably have to do some watered-down version of body/skills-selling like being a call girl or something, which with my luck would end up being the most dangerous one yet because of the one-on-one-not-everyone-knows-where-you-are aspect. Sigh.
Whether it’s stripping or becoming a dominatrix however, college-aged ladies like myself aren’t the only ones considering this form of free lance work. Women with full-time jobs are signing on just to pick up some extra money [maybe for gas?]. Watch out now.
"Reason number 1 for why you shouldn't take Facebook seriously"
"MIAMI — Katherine Evans said she was frustrated with her English teacher for
ignoring her pleas for help with assignments and a brusque reproach when she
missed class to attend a school blood drive.So Ms. Evans, who was then a high school senior and honor student, logged
onto the networking site Facebook
and wrote a rant against the teacher, Sarah Phelps."
Long story short, Katie Evans now has on her permanent record that she got pissed off with her teacher and earned herself 3-day suspension for whining about it on Facebook. *sigh* I'm all for social networking websites and freedom of speech [clearly] but the girl went so far as to basically create a hate group targeting her teacher. That's a little much, don'tcha think?
“You can express an opinion on whether someone is a good teacher,” said Pamela
Brown, assistant director for the Broward County School District who oversees
expulsions. “But when you start inviting people to say that they hate a teacher,
that crosses the line.”
I'm sure this girl thought that starting the post, getting feedback, and then removing it within a week wasn't going to come back and bite her, but it seems she was wrong. In less than two months after making the post she was called down to the principal's office and got her little sentence of suspension.
She's now attending the University of Florida as a freshman and is only suing her principal to get her record cleared. She doesn't even care about them trying to OD on her life by blowing this out of complete proportion. It's only Facebook. No one was hurt. It's not like she was saying the teacher commited some felony.
I just think it's a little much on both parts. No, Katie should not have gotten other Facebook-ers involved in throwing dirt on the teachers' name and No, I don't think she should have gotten suspended. No harm, no foul. I think it's safe to say she learned her lesson. Just let this be a warning to those who like to excersize free speech though - It's okay as long as you don't start a group targeting one person, apparently.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
"The benefits of friends"
1.) Be unattached. As in, BOTH of you. If someone’s in a relationship, toying with the idea of a relationship or any of the like then clearly that someone is cheating or a potential cheater. Let’s be grown up about this. No we’re not “friends who mess around.” That’s malarkey.
2.) Set the rules up beautifully from the beginning. The relationship is strictly for hook-up purposes only. This is where ish starts getting complicated because I kind of don’t know of a successful friends with benefits relationship where somebody didn’t catch feelings some kind of way. . .but then if that happens. . .
3.) . . .as soon as feelings are involved END THE RELATIONSHIP!!! I can’t stress this mess enough. Whether it’s the guy or the girl – it does not matter! Unless miraculously you BOTH wanna make a relationship outta thin air happen, just end it. Go back to being friends or acquaintances if you can. Once feelings are involved there is no turning back.
4.) There’s always the chance that your buddy might meet someone they wanna get serious with and when that happens, do not cock block. As Luther Vandross and Beyonce would say, “Let’s get love a try.” You never know – they might end up being something serious and you’ll always be that one person their partner can’t stand because your cockblockin’ self was all up in the mix trying to keep your little hook-up pact going. Be still.
That’s all I’ve got so far. . .obviously, beneficial friends have been on my mind since relationships right now are a bust *sigh* I’m just trying to spread some knowledge. It’s no surprise to me that sixty-two percent of Blacks have experienced more friends with benefits relationships than actual relationships. What's that sayin', huh?
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
"Texting will lead to nothing but trouble"
I understand that we have evolved as human beings and actual human interaction isn't always necessary but there is something very wrong with texting someone and then not being able to say two words to them when you see them in person. It's just like 'friending' someone on Myspace, seeing them in person, and then questioning your eyesight. It just doesn't add up.
There's nothing wrong with having text buddies though, aka people you know you strictly plan on texting because when you hear their voice it puts you into a coma or makes you wanna throw up a little bit. If it keeps you busy between classes, on the train, or during a break, then go for it. However, obsessive texting is where I would have to draw the line. This is why our generation is going to grow up with carpal tunnel just in our thumbs.
With that being said, you know I just looove seeing this. . .
"Toddlers can soon obsessively text and type like their parents on a pint-sized personal digital assistant made by LeapFrog."
. . I'm guessing that because kids see their parents texting hardbody they feel the need to be a part. That makes sense. It actually doesn't hook up to the internet but just "simulates" texting because apparently toddles aged 3-5 think it's fun. The plus side is that there actually is some educational value in it and kids are allowed to play games. Still though . .is texting really that serious? Fake texting included. The main purpose of this toy was to simulate the Crackberry.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
"For future reference"
Whether it be about college life and tips for how to survive dorming, issues that young minorities like myself may face, relationships, current events, etc. etc. It's a wide sphere of topics but they all connect. Somehow.'
I'm a girl, I'm indecisive. . .work with me.