Monday, March 30, 2009
"More to love"
Friday, March 27, 2009
"Dear wife of a trifiling man,"
Stop snitching? I think not.
“I don’t think it’s people’s right to do that. I really don’t,” said Trishanne LaFreniere, a woman who opposes the letter.
“She has the right to know,” said Laurie Thuma, who likes the idea of alerting wives. “This impacts her on many levels, including her health.”
Even the men in Escambia County can’t seem to agree whether or not the letter is a good idea.
“This letter’s making you guilty before you get your day in court,” emphasized Jeff Hughes. “You need therapy. You need help. You don’t need to be lambasted by your wife.”[Source]
I don't know about you, but from what I've seen [okay, read] when you're eager to enjoy the company of hookers usually you're also not willing to admit to it - and you're definitely not going to tell your wife/girlfriend. Come on now. Of course some men are arguing that this "snitching" from the police isn't giving them a fair trial with their wife and making them guilty before proven innocent. . .
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
"Handcuffs & more love biting"
Police say 37-year-old Helen Sun told them she wanted to have a conversation with husband Robert Drawbough without him leaving. Police say she changed the locks on their bedroom and handcuffed herself to Drawbough while he was sleeping Monday.
Drawbough used a cell phone to call police. Officers heard his screams when they arrived at the couple's Fairfield home. He was treated at a local hospital." [Source- MSNBC]
Reconciling is highly unlikely after you've tried to bite off a chunk of my skin, but maybe that's just me. This might have just been a little playful matter between lovers that her punk of a husband wasn't prepared for. However, them hearing his "screams" must have meant she was seriously going in on her bondage exploit.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
"The consequence of love biting"
But don't fret, she's still alive.
She told police Jerome M. Lucious Jr. of Sheboygan strangled her with both hands and threatened to kill her after she questioned him about a hickey on his neck and slapped him.
Lucious admitted that he threw the victim against the wall Friday and put his hands around her throat after she slapped him, according to The Sheboygan Press. "
Now before I read the story I thought that this fool attacked her for leaving a hickey on him -- I was thinking she was the other woman and he didn't want his main one to find out. Then I read on and see that the reasoning behind his madness is much, much lamer. All she did was ask about the miniature neck bruise and homie went apeshit. It saddens me.
There goes another 21-year-old who had a world of opportunity waiting for him. . .
*cough* okay, maybe not. He was actually a repeat offender and is now facing seven years in prison and three years on probation. Tsk, tsk. If I'm getting strangled for asking about a hickey then I'm sorry, I guess we're both dying that night because there's no way. . .& the truly disturbing part of this is that there's a good chance the victim will go back to him.
Monday, March 23, 2009
"How far is too far for a friend"?
So that was completely uncalled for on so many levels.
Nevertheless, plotholes or not - you heard it from me. If he in fact did shoot himself in the head because of an immediate wave of guilt I know he is kicking himself looking down on this. . .or up at it. Whichever works.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
"Obamas Philosophy on love"
I'm all for entertaining news that allows us to sit back and be glad that we're not the ones featured on this blog, but every once and a while I like to throw in some optimism. I also have an unhealthy infatuation with the Obamas and thriving black love. So, for your reading enjoyment here's some dope philosophizing inspired by the one, the only. . .our President of the United States and his lady: Barack & Michelle Obama.
If I believe there's anyone out there who really is engaged in a healthy relationship while still being in the public eye, it's them. The Today show on has a sex therapist who compiled a list that caught my eye and really made me sit back and admire them. I know we may not know a whole lot about their sex life/relationship, but there are some things you just can't fake when you've got America as a whole watching your every move.
Maintain a sense of surprise- “Sometimes, when we’re lying together, I look at her and I feel dizzy with the realization that here is another distinct person from me, who has memories, origins, thoughts, feelings that are different from my own. . .," says Obama, "Even if one builds a life together based on trust, attentiveness and mutual support, I think that’s it’s important that a partner continues to surprise the other." I think that's ridiculously adorable on so many levels and very true.
Show tenderness- Obama also spoke about how Michelle exhibits a certain level of vulnerability (Imagine that!). I never took Michelle for the vulnerable type, but I also don't think she wears the pants in the relationship. Not all the time, anyway.Some other ones mentioned were opposites attracting, becoming friends and staying friends, and then my personal favorite: Being a relationship role model.
I honestly don't think they even realize how great of an example they're setting as a couple, color aside, by simply being themselves with each other at all times. They maintain eye contact with one another in interviews, joke like America's not watching, and their whole chemistry just flows naturally - whether the cameras are on or not. Check out videos/pictures where they were not prepped for the paparazzi to see what I mean.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Follow-up: "Cruelty to Elders."
Last month in Middlefield, Ohio I mentioned this 40 y/o transgendered woman trying to kill her 70-something-year-old husband by having him swim lap after lap in the pool for no particular reason. Now they believe that she was doing it so she could get his retirement benefits [of course].
She is to be sentenced Friday and could get up to five years in prison after pleading guilty to reckless homicide."
Foxnews recently mentioned that after interviewing family members, their relationship didn't even seem to be romantic. From the history provided in the article I'm going to have to agree that they weren't exactly a match made in heaven.
The whole story is just kind of, well. . .cooky. For lack of a better word. Not that I don't cover other unusual stories, but this one just doesn't seem to be sitting well with me.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
"I'm having problems with my other wife"
The man was married his first wife 22 years ago. Court records said the second marriage occurred in January 2006. Both women are in their 50s.
At 61-years-old you're awfully bold for marrying two women and keeping that mess going for 2 decades. The sad thing is that I don't even think this is an uncommon occurence. There are men out there with different families in different states - it's just that none of them were bold enough to use their deceased father's social security number.
I guess he was determined.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
"Do-it-your-self Insemination"
"An alleged Massachusetts lesbian has been charged with domestic assault and battery after she tried to artificially inseminate her wife with her brother’s semen.
Stephanie Lighten was “all liquored up” Tuesday, her wife, Jennifer Lighten, told Pittsfield police. Stephanie had been talking about trying to impregnate her for some time, she said.
When Stephanie came home around 4:30 p.m., she threw Jennifer on the couch and threatened to inseminate her with a large catheter-tipped syringe, according to the Berkshire Eagle.
A witness called police who arrested Stephanie at the scene. They retrieved the syringe in its original package and a container of semen. It was unclear how Stephanie obtained the semen from her brother. "[Source]
Obviously not one of their best ideas. I feel like she could have saved herself so much embarressment (whoever Stephanie Lighten is) by doing this the old-fashioned way. And no, I don't mean by actually finding a man to physically impregnant her wife. . .just by looking for a sperm donor.
Then again, with this recession I can't imagine paying for some extra test-tube-safe jizz being cheap, so doing if you feel like you can do it yourself - more power to ya.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
"Oh, the irony"
Friday, March 13, 2009
"Blame it on the alcohol"
Robert Conde, 41, told police he and Ruth Ann Trueblood were drinking together outdoors when she told him he
The Fort Lauderdale resident got so upset, he threw the defenseless 46-year-old woman on her back and punched her face until he knew she was dead.
Conde then took off her pants and tried to have sex with the body before covering it up and lying next to it." [Source- Miami Herald]
Alrighty. I am sooo tired of the handful of alcholic songs T-Pain's technologically mixed voice has on every radio station, but the title seemed very fitting. Some man (aka Robert Conde) killed his girl over beer. . .because apparently it's so important. I bet he'll try to plead that he's an alcoholic and needs to get psychological treatment. He probably just threw in that necrophiliac move once he thought about how utterly stupid he would sound saying he killed the poor
Thursday, March 12, 2009
"When keeping it real goes wrong."
The accident was reported to local fire and rescue personnel about 1:30 a.m. on March 7, from an address on Rogers Drive. The man who made the 911 call said he had placed a sex toy over a saber saw blade, and then used the power tool on his partner, but the blade cut through the plastic and injured the woman.
The victim, a 27-year-old woman, was reportedly injured and bleeding. She was later flown to Prince George’s hospital center by Maryland State Police helicopter." [Source of all sources- OHN]
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
"One plus to texting"
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
"He wanted the ring, she wanted revenge"
Monday, March 9, 2009
"Royals need love too"
While not named in the eBay auction itself, according to a report, the letters were written from Prince Charles to Montreal resident Janet Jenkins between 1976 and 1980.The letters have a starting bid of $30,000 and a Buy It Now price of $30,001. So far no takers."
I'm not surprised that there are no takers. According to this blog the starting bid is about $30,000. Who the heck has money like that to just be throwing away on some freakin' love letter? And who is Prince Charles, anyway??
. . .Okay, I take that last part back. I know who Prince Charles is, but these love letters still aren't worth my school's tuition.
The woman who actually gave up the love letters is 'embarressed', but I think she's just sour about not thinking of this get rich quick scheme herself.
Friday, March 6, 2009
"Doggie Delights"
Thursday, March 5, 2009
"Knitting catastrophe"
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
"Abused and Misused"
That Cochran character has officially earned himself a one-way-ticket to ruthless jail treatment city. If that's a place, that is. Beating aged women with dead technology, breaking into homes, attempting forced incest, repeat offending. You must not like your life.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
"Designer Grandkids"
Why anyone would want to create a miniature financial burden during these hard economic times without their parents around is beyond me.
Mark Speranza left semen samples at a lab in 1997 but ordered them destroyed if he died. He wanted to father a child if he survived his battle with cancer. He died in January 1998.
Speranza's parents sought custody of the frozen sperm so a surrogate mother could be artificially inseminated." [Source- Foxified]
It turned out that you actually needed the father's blood for this whole "procedure" to be possible. And with him dead it's kind of, well, impossible.
I think it's adorable that they tried though. Just the kind of things I would want my grand ones to do for me if it ever came to that. . .lol. . .came *smh*
Monday, March 2, 2009
"Diamond is my favorite flavor"
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